Pschiatric Drugs and Children

Analysis of the use of Psychiatric Drugs for Children, their biological effects and the effects of the drug on learning and socializing.

Areas of the Brain Modulated by Single-Dose Methylphenidate Treatment in Youth with ADHD During Task-Based fMRI: A Systematic Review

    Harv Rev Psychiatry. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 Jul 18.   Published in final edited form as: Harv Rev Psychiatry. 2013 May-Jun; 21(3): 151–162. doi:  10.1097/HRP.0b013e318293749e PMCID: PMC4103657 NIHMSID: NIHMS589347   Suzanne M. Czerniak, BA, Elif M. Sikoglu, PhD, Jean A. King, PhD, David N. Kennedy, PhD, Eric Mick, ScD, Jean Frazier, MD, and Constance M. Moore, PhD Author information ► Copyright and License information […]

The Diagnosing and Drugging of ‘ADHD’ Children — An American Tragedy Worsens

THE BLOG 10/25/2011 04:55 pm ET By Dr. Peter Breggin The diagnosing of millions of children with ADHD in order to medicate them with stimulants and other psychoactive chemicals is an American tragedy, growing into a worldwide catastrophe. Never before in history has a society attempted to deal with its children by drugging a significant portion of them into conformity while failing to meet their needs in the […]

New Mexico Bans Forced Psychiatric Drugging of Children

New American By Alex Newman April 1, 2016 ORIGINAL Psych meds for kids at gunpoint will no longer be tolerated, at least in one state. A powerful new law to protect children from coercive psychiatric screening and drugging was approved last year by the state of New Mexico. And now, advocates hope to provide similar protections for kids, families and parental rights across the remaining 49 states. As […]

Brains of Children with ADHD Show Protein Deficiency

By Jane Collingwood ~ 3 min read New research on children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder has found a deficiency of a necessary brain chemical. Children with ADHD appear to have nearly 50 percent lower levels of an amino acid called tryptophan, a protein which helps in the production of dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin. It also is important for attention and learning. Jessica Johansson of Orebro University in Sweden […]

Jensen on the reduction of Dopamine Receptors from adolescent addiction

Francis Jensen, Professor and Chair of the Department of Neurology at the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania is a fantastic lady. She wrote The Teenage Brain , in 2015. A wonderful book for us laymen.  Apparently MRI imaging has allowed for major advances in Brain Research without the need for invasive surgery. Although not the intent of this book, she does make the observation that Ritalin […]


Millions of parents and teachers have been enchanted into believing in the existence of a discrete psychiatric illness called “attention deficit disorder” that supposedly afflicts millions of American children…[In fact] these children are not disordered and A.D.D. does not exist. They may have a different style of thinking, attending, and behaving, but it’s the broader social and educational influences that create the disorder, not the children. These children […]

Misdiagnosis of the Gifted

It’s well-known among researchers of the gifted, talented and creative that these individuals exhibit greater intensity and increased levels of emotional, imaginational, intellectual, sensual and psycho-motor excitability and that this is a normal pattern of development.  These characteristics, however, are frequently perceived by psychotherapists and others as evidence of a mental disturbance….ADHD and ADD are a few of the diagnostic labels mistakenly used… When working with the gifted, […]

National Institute of Mental Health on ADHD

The National Institute for Mental Health puts out a periodic report called The DSM which purports to describe children’s behavior which would qualify them for the appellation of ADD or ADHD and therefore would qualify them for the taking of Psychiatric Drugs as an antidote to these behaviors But “what could be more absurd than a guide for tagging children as mentally ill simply because they act like […]

Ritalin and Spontaneity

In a study led by Herbert Rie  from the Ohio State Department of Pediatrics, Rie found no objective evidence for improvement from Ritalin on any of a series of tests for learning or performance. The children exhibited “typical suppressive behavioral effects”. The children became: “distinctly more bland or “flat” emotionally, lacking both the age-typical variety and frequency of emotional expression.  They responded less, exhibited little or no initiative […]