National Institute of Mental Health on ADHD

The National Institute for Mental Health puts out a periodic report called The DSM which purports to describe children’s behavior which would qualify them for the appellation of ADD or ADHD and therefore would qualify them for the taking of Psychiatric Drugs as an antidote to these behaviors

But “what could be more absurd than a guide for tagging children as mentally ill simply because they act like children? The unfortunate truth is that it is taken seriously, and the consequences for those it is used against are not funny.

“Just as bad as pegging normal children with imaginary disorders the step that comes next – using the diagnosis as an excuse for forcing normal children to take powerful drugs in order to control unwanted behaviors, like fidgeting, not following directions, doing sloppy work, getting out of a chair, or even daydreaming.  …[These} are predatory practices conducted at the expense of children whose interests are sacrificed. (p. 102-103)

“It is a wonder that so many children get by as well as they do in school, considering that they risk accumulating enough sins to be tarred with the ADHD label if they “…are easily distracted by irrelevant stimuli and frequently interrupt ongoing tasks to attend to trivial noises or events that are usually and easily ignored by others…: So , a child who is more interested in anything else or becomes involved in anything other than what his teachers want them to do, can be regarded as meeting part of the ADHD criteria.”  (p.109)

  (Fred A. Baughman Jr., M.D. : The ADHD Fraud, )


Click here for NIMH PDF on their definition of ADHD:
