The Human Mind and Learning


The premise of this book is that kids with behavioral challenges lack important thinking skills, an idea supported by research in the neurosciences over the past thirty years on kids who are aggressive and have difficulty getting along with people and those diagnosed with ADHD, mood and anxiety disorders, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, autism spectrum disorders, and language-processing disorders. The thinking skills involved aren’t in the traditional […]

National Institute of Mental Health on ADHD

The National Institute for Mental Health puts out a periodic report called The DSM which purports to describe children’s behavior which would qualify them for the appellation of ADD or ADHD and therefore would qualify them for the taking of Psychiatric Drugs as an antidote to these behaviors But “what could be more absurd than a guide for tagging children as mentally ill simply because they act like […]

Ritalin Absolves Parental and Teacher Responsibility

The application of Ritalin  to hyperactive children is leading to a situation in which social problems are increasingly defined as medical ones…There is a tendency not to look for the solutions to complex social problems in the behavior of individuals in the surrounding environment. Thus the unruly child at school and at home is perceived as in need of medical attention. Peer groups, parents, teachers, and administrators thereby […]

Spontaneous Activity in All Living Creatures

Dr. Peter Breggin writes: What is called  “spontaneous” behavior, including exploration and novelty-seeking, is at the heart of normal functioning for animals and humans. Any animal, including monkeys, rats, mice, or pigeons, has a natural curiosity or tendency to explore its environment. These animals also have a natural tendency to congregate and to relate to each other. Their investigative or  exploratory drives, as well as their social drives, […]