One of the purposes of his site is to provide an overall view of Systems of Thought , ways of seeing and understanding things derivative from the work of David Hilbert and Alan Turing. Let us begin with the concept of RULE FOLLOWING SYSTEMS:
Here is how it works:

A machine is the best model of a Rule Following System. A Machine is not merely law abiding. A machine is the embodiment of law. “To say that a specific machine is “operating properly” is to assert that it is an embodiment of a law we know and wish to apply.”

Games are Rule Following Systems. As in Chess, the Rules determine the placement of the pieces on the board, the nature of the board, the colors of the pieces and the squares, the permissible moves of the pieces and the goal of the game – namely, how a play can win. Illegal moves by definition cannot be made. Therefore the game is played using moves that are permissible. They are optional and not required.

All Legal Systems are Rule Following Systems. All Legal Systems have in common that certain actions are illegal or against the law and certain actions are permissible or optional. There also may be exceptions to the rules in particular circumstances.

Obviously, Jewish Law embodies one type of legal system which requires extensive description. The argument between the Rambam and the Ramban over the constitution of Taryag – and even the number of Mitzvot to be included under the “Deraita” appellation – is an argument about the structure of the System of Torah Law. But a System of Law it is – and that is why the Rambam will not admit a Ben Noach to be a convert if he only accepts 612 Mitzvot. The Ben Noach has refused to accept the system of Torah as a complete and unified system, with laws and rules of procedure by which to determine Halachot and the proper observance of Halacha..

