Misdiagnosis of the Gifted

It’s well-known among researchers of the gifted, talented and creative that these individuals exhibit greater intensity and increased levels of emotional, imaginational, intellectual, sensual and psycho-motor excitability and that this is a normal pattern of development. 

These characteristics, however, are frequently perceived by psychotherapists and others as evidence of a mental disturbance….ADHD and ADD are a few of the diagnostic labels mistakenly used…

When working with the gifted, a therapist must address the following intra-personal issues: the internal stress of being gifted; the emotional trauma of rapid development; the effects of introversion, intensity, perfectionism and extraordinary sensitivity to self and others…

Lynne Azepeitia and Marry Rocamora (1997):  Misdiagnosis of the Gifted  in Newsletter of the National Association for the Fostering of Intelligence.

Dr. Peter Breggin comments: My own experience confirms that many children who get diagnosed ADHD are especially energetic, creative, and independent youngsters struggling within the confines of inattentive, conflicted, or stressed environments. We end up drugging those children who display the most potential to live a zestful, inspired life – those otherwise destined to make an outstanding creative contribution to society.

Dr R. Breggin: Talking  Back to Ritalin, p. 153.