Schools, Children, and Creativity

A phenomenal presentation by a unique Eductor

Brains of Children with ADHD Show Protein Deficiency

By Jane Collingwood ~ 3 min read New research on children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder has found a deficiency of a necessary brain chemical. Children with ADHD appear to have nearly 50 percent lower levels of an amino acid called tryptophan, a protein which helps in the production of dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin. It also is important for attention and learning. Jessica Johansson of Orebro University in Sweden […]

Howard Gardner on Multiple Intelligences

Edutopia revisits its 1997 interview with Harvard University Professor Howard Gardner about multiple intelligences and new forms of assessment. To figure out your learning style and see more recent videos on multiple intelligences, visit our site: Howard Gardner Discusses Multiple Intelligences – Blackboard BbWorld 2016 HD Intelligence: It’s Not Just IQ

Discover Your Child’s Personal Learning Style

About fifteen years ago, Harvard researcher Howard Gardner wrote a book called Frames of Mind that challenged the common belief that people are born with a fixed intelligence that can only be discovered through IQ tests.  Instead, Gardner said, there are at least seven distinct ways of being smart, and one can discover these ways by examining how people solve real problems and create meaningful products. These intelligences […]

Promote a Strong Physical Education Program in Your School

A recent study suggests that kids with hyperactive or aggressive traits may improve their behaviors if they engage in regular  vigorous physical education. Hugh Stevenson, track and cross country coach at U.S. International University in San Diego, reported on efforts to improve physical education programs for children: ” We’re already seeing effects, especially on hyperactive, aggressive kids…Students who ran and participated in jumping or field excercises, for forthy […]

A.D.D. as a Response to Boring Classrooms

The collision between short-attention-span kids and life-in-the-slow-lane adults is particularly evident in our schools. Here, students must often sit at desks for hours at a time, listening to monotone lectures, and going over textbook and worksheet material that is presented – not like MTV – but like MTB  (Material That’s Boring).  Kids who are labeled A.D.D. have a particularly rough time in such environments.  Studies suggest that “A.D.D. […]


The premise of this book is that kids with behavioral challenges lack important thinking skills, an idea supported by research in the neurosciences over the past thirty years on kids who are aggressive and have difficulty getting along with people and those diagnosed with ADHD, mood and anxiety disorders, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, autism spectrum disorders, and language-processing disorders. The thinking skills involved aren’t in the traditional […]