The Human Mind and Learning

Ritalin and Spontaneity

In a study led by Herbert Rie  from the Ohio State Department of Pediatrics, Rie found no objective evidence for improvement from Ritalin on any of a series of tests for learning or performance. The children exhibited “typical suppressive behavioral effects”. The children became: “distinctly more bland or “flat” emotionally, lacking both the age-typical variety and frequency of emotional expression.  They responded less, exhibited little or no initiative […]

Ritalin and the Growth Hormone

In 1977, a Norwegian team of researchers led by D. Daarskog demonstrated abnormal growth hormone responses to clinical doses of Dexedrine and Ritalin: The findings indicate an acute and probable long-term effect of dextroamhetamine and methylphenidate on the homeostasis of growth hormone. The possible long-term effects of these drugs on the growth of children indicates the need for caution in the widespread use of these agents. *********************************** In […]

How Ritalin Really Works

If a parent forced a child to take alcohol, a depressant, in the mistaken belief that he was curing a chemical imbalance  in the child’s brain, we would not hesitate to have the child removed from home  Yet millions of children are forced to take mind-altering drugs in the equally mistaken belief that depression and other mental illnesses are biologically caused, for which there is not a shred […]

Dr Peter Breggin on Psychiatric Drugs for Children

Time to Call a Halt to Psychiatrically Diagnosing and Drugging Children The latest scientific literature indicates that boys averaging age 7-9 given a diagnosis of mild hyperactivity in the 1970s and treated with Ritalin (methylphenidate) have, as a group, come to a tragic outcome. Compared to a control group of normal children from the same time period, they have much higher rates of early death, atrophy of the […]