Yartzeit Addresses by Gerald Parkoff

1998 The Concept of Kedusha (Holiness)


2005  The Mitzvah to Honor a Sefer Torah


2003 Ayin Tachat Ayin – An Eye for an Eye


2002 Ki Shem Hashem Ekra – I Shall Call Upon the Name of G-d


2001 The Infinite Chain


2000 Lo Davar Rek Hu – The Torah of  Infinite Density


1999 Even One Letter of the Torah


1999  Kosher Birds


Yartzeit Address 1992


The Haggadah


On the Shma’


On Dreams


A Jewish Ethic of Leisure


Suffering and the Nature of the Universe


Giving and Taking


Two Kings


HaKarat HaTov – Acknowledging Kindness


Naaseh ve Nishmah – We Will Do and We Will Understand

