How do we know that R.O. Faulkner’s translation of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts is correct?
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Had the Rabbis of old known about the Ureus, they might have added some text such as the following to the Midrashim.
מניין שהיה לפרעה תפילין? שנאמר: ושמת את הנשר ואת הנחש על ראשך, למען ידעו כל מצריים שאתה המושל והשליט : וכל זר לא תלבש בו
Translation: From where do we know that Pharoah wore Tefillin? As it says, and you shall put the eagle and the snake on your head, in order that all of The Egyptians will know that your are the ruler and unmistakable head of state. And no commoner shall wear it.
GP Commentary: This made-up passage emphasizes the complete despotic power of the Pharoah and the ruling class of Egypt. For a deeper understanding of the Ureaus and its historical importance, READ HERE.
Now consider Tefillin: