Music and the Brain

This Is How Music Can Change Your Brain

Melissa Locker @woolyknickers      Dec. 16, 2014 Actively learning to play an instrument can help a child’s academic achievement.  There’s little doubt that learning to play a musical instrument is great for developing brains. Science has shown that when children learn to play music, their brains begin to hear and process sounds that they couldn’t otherwise hear. This helps them develop “neurophysiological distinction” between certain sounds that can aid […]

How Playing Music Affects the Developing Brain

A seminal article on advances in our understanding of playing music and the developing brain: View Original Remember “Mozart Makes You Smarter”? A 1993 study of college students showed them performing better on spatial reasoning tests after listening to a Mozart sonata. That led to claims that listening to Mozart temporarily increases IQs — and to a raft of products purporting to provide all sorts of benefits to […]

Musical Training Optimizes Brain Function

   By Christopher Bergland, View Original November 13th, 2013  Neuroscientists are discovering multiple ways that musical training improves the function and connectivity of different brain regions. Musical training increases brain volume and strengthens communication between brain areas. Playing an instrument changes how the brain interprets and integrates a wide range of sensory information, especially for those who start before age 7. These findings were presented at the […]